Can This Portfolio Be Hedged? A Step by Step Guide to Reducing Downside Risk with Index Puts
Here’s how the Adaptive Protection Calculator matches index puts to protect a client portfolio.
Are you up to speed on the precise steps involved in finding and buying cost-effective index puts to hedge client portfolios to a target risk level?
Novice and advanced options traders are invited to join investment advisor Mike Tosaw as he walks through the precise sequence of using the Adaptive Protection Calculator to find the right index puts to protect diversified stock portfolios at a fraction of the cost of puts on individual positions. Mike will also show how you can approximate index hedges on your own without the Adaptive tool’s rigor.
Mike will dig into how the time-saving Adaptive tool identifies and sizes suitable index hedges using beta and hedge ratios, as well as index fit and tracking error.
Live attendees are invited to submit stock portfolios in advance for Mike (, to be used for demonstration purposes in the webinar.