How Much to Hedge a Client’s Stock Portfolio ?
Adaptive’s Downside Protection table shows market prices to target the downside risk of a less risky asset allocation using cost-effective index puts.
What’s an efficient, tax smart way to reduce the downside risk of a stock portfolio to a less aggressive asset allocation without having to exit the market?
Adaptive’s rigorous options analytics looks for a diversified market index such as the S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100 which can be used as a proxy hedge for the portfolio, along with specific options contracts (expiration and strike price) to target the downside risk equivalent of a less volatile stock-bond portfolio.
This powerful tool means you can easily quote a live market hedging price to clients who may have more risk in their portfolios than they want, all while keeping clients invested for long-term gains. Adaptive’s protection calculator is also handy to help clients to commit funds to markets if they are cautious about putting new money to work.
Join advisor Mike Tosaw to see how Adaptive’s Options Intelligence can easily, quickly power your own practice with precise calculations of downside protection costs for the varied portfolios of existing and would-be clients.
Live attendees are invited to submit stock portfolios in advance for Mike (, to be used for demonstration purposes in the webinar.